Elephant Park, Orange NSW

Elephant Park, Orange NSW Credit: Megan Duckworth

According to some of our Central West Mums, here’s our review of the playgrounds in the Orange LGA with some items considered like accessibility, equipment, shelter, toilets and more.

Elephant Park – 103 Woodward St, Orange

This is a basic park with some redeeming equipment for younger kids. Choose to go when weather has been dry. There is also nothing really within walking distance for coffee or snacks, so come prepared if you plan to spend a decent amount of time here. Note: There is a good Cafe called Omar by Academy Coffee on Woodward, however it’s a five minute walk to the park, so best to pick up goodies and head down by car which will take you one minute.

What ages is this playground suitable for?

Equipment at elephant park is suitable for toddlers up to possibly 8-10 year olds. I have taken my step sons who were a bit older than this and they enjoyed the rope climbing tepee, but for all of 5 minutes and they were done. There are plenty of walking tracks around so bike riding is an option here too.


There are no specific areas for children with disabilities. Almost all elements are raised off the ground or accessed by a climbing element so anyone with a physical impairment would find it difficult to utilise. The ground is uneven bark and dirt which also could make accessing the area difficult itself.

Comfort & Shelter

The play area is not enclosed or sheltered. When the sun is out the equipment can get quite hot. On rainy days, there is alot of  deep water around that means some pieces of play equipment are not able to be accessed.

There are a few park benches around for parents to be able to supervise whilst kids are playing. There are sheltered picnic tables for families to eat and rest. There is a BBQ unsure of its functionality.

Whilst there are male, female and accessible toilets, there is nowhere to change a nappy.

For more on playgrounds across Orange, refer to the Orange City Council map.

Amorette Zielinski

Amorette is a Mum of two boys who often keep her flying by the seat of her pants and a wife to a man who is so much fun to share life with; never dull! Friends often call her a ‘connector’ because she loves putting like minded people together curating experiences for them.

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