Summer Team Sports to Join in Orange and Blayney, NSW

Summer Team Sports to Join in Orange and Blayney, NSW

Here is our Summer guide to sports clubs to join. Sport and recreation is an important part of our Australian culture and especially important in regional communities.  Team sports promote participation and contribute to overall health and wellbeing.

There are many opportunities to join a local club. We’re continuously updating our page with information on sports clubs and teams you can join in Orange, NSW.

Orange Sports Clubs


Orange Junior Hockey

Orange Junior Hockey seeking expressions of interest from players, umpires and coaches to form a social Summer Competition for Open Primary aged players. Summer Competition gives kids an opportunity to try out a new sport or improve their already existing game skills. Junior Coaches and Junior Umpires are especially encouraged to participate.

Contact: email or find them on Facebook here.


Bletchington Softball Club
Our Club caters from anybody 5 and up in a family friendly and fun environment. We encourage all players or every skill level and have different grades to account for this.
There has been a big push in the past few years for women in softball which has resulted in Orange being able to enter representative teams and invitational teams.
All the Information and pricing and how to register can be found on our website:
Orange Water Polo
Come and Try dates:-
Tuesday 10th or Thursday 12th –
Juniors U13’s – 5pm
Intermediate 14-17yrs – Opens over 18’s -6pm
The club will be having a meeting on Thursday at 5.45pm for Volunteers and help for the season going forward.
Waterpolo season starts 19th October
For more information contact Sarah on: 
or please see the website for Orange Waterpolo  and Facebook page here.

Blayney Sports Clubs


Blayney Little Athletics

Little Athletics is a fun, social and active program for girls and boys aged 3-17 years. The program teaches a wide range of skills in events from running, jumping and throwing.

Blayney Little Athletics is run on Friday evenings, commencing  5:30pm and going through to around 7pm (depending on the number of athletes in your age group). The venue is at King George Oval, Blayney.

Each competition night consists of 4 events (2 track and 2 field). All athletes are encouraged to compete against their own personal best times and distances.

During our competition night, each athlete requires a parent/guardian to help out with the running of the night. Without parent help, our nights would not be possible. (It is important to note that athletes are NOT to be dropped off for competition nights, a parent/guardian must always be present).

The 2023/2024 season start date is Friday 13th October 2023.

Cost: $110 for Tiny Tots (<5 year olds, participant must be 3 years old before they can register) and $130 for 6-17 years.

Registration is open currently in September for Blayney Little Athletics. All registrations need to be made online via website here. Active Kids vouchers are currently being accepted. Please ensure you have downloaded your voucher before registering.




Amorette Zielinski

Amorette is a Mum of two boys who often keep her flying by the seat of her pants and a wife to a man who is so much fun to share life with; never dull! Friends often call her a ‘connector’ because she loves putting like minded people together curating experiences for them.

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