The Ageing Process And Cosmetic Medical Treatments – CosMedic Collective Orange

Tune in to watch our Q & A live video discussion on skin and the ageing process here in Orange, NSW.

Kylie Duncan, Director of the CosMedic Collective speaks with Central West Mums about skin, the ageing process and destigmatising cosmetic medical treatments.

Kylie is passionate about taking a holistic approach to ageing and discusses skin concerns for those in their 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s.

Self-care is not selfish and feeling more confident is the goal.

Learn more about how to get a treatment plan in place, be fully informed and feel comfortable in the care of local experienced consultants.

CosMedic Collective are opening their new clinic with 85 medical skin treatments on offer; including lasers, laser genesis, platelet rich plasma and more.

Please note; all procedures are medical by nature and therefore incur risk please discuss with your practitioner before proceeding to treatment

“Listen out for the surprise announcements and exciting preview of what’s in store for the official opening on September 1st!

CosMedic Collective are located at 102 Byng Street, Orange.

Kylie Duncan bio:

Nurse Kylie has been a cosmetic injector for over 10 years and is the proud owner of CosMedic Collective.

She moved to Orange 4 years ago and has worked in multiple locations in the Central West, Sydney and regional NSW. Kylie is about to realise her dream of opening a stand-alone medical cosmetic clinic in Orange and believes the people of the Central West are ready for the exciting services she has in store.

Kylie is passionate about offering conservative treatment with long term results. She strives to educate and empower her patients and genuinely cares about helping them to look and feel their best.


Amorette Zielinski

Amorette is a Mum of two boys who often keep her flying by the seat of her pants and a wife to a man who is so much fun to share life with; never dull! Friends often call her a ‘connector’ because she loves putting like minded people together curating experiences for them.

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