Maggie Morris

Mum of three, friendly, smiley, bubbly lash and brow specialist

Maggie constantly supports other small businesses in Orange, by purchasing their products to stock, giving them shout-outs and endless referrals, especially those that are other hard-working Mums. She is the biggest hype girl for other women and loves seeing other women succeed.

Maggie has built her business up over the last 3 years, starting when she had newborn baby Levi. During the last 3 years Maggie has experienced the pain of miscarriages, plus birthed her son Maverick in 2021.

Maggie is always doing what is best for her clients and is so flexible around her working hours. This flexibility allows other busy Mums find the time for their own self-care at Lumiere Beauty to get a tan, their lashes, or brows perfected. Maggie understands that Mums may need to bring their children along to their appointment aaand she makes all clients and their children feel at home when they arrive at Lumiere Beauty.

When the Orange community is raising money for a charity or a local cause, you can see Maggie regularly donating $5 from every tan towards the cause/charity.

Maggie also does her part for the environment by using bamboo disposables instead of plastic products.

Maggie Morris is such a hard worker and manages to juggle being a Mum, Business owner and wife. She truly deserves to be given recognition for this award, especially when she gives recognition to so many others.

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