Jessica Willis

Compassionate, innovative, caring and on the journey beside the child

Jessica is the Leader of Learning at Orange Anglican Grammar School, who is widely known as 'Mrs Chocolate' by just about every student in the school. Jessica has been a key member of the Primary and Secondary teaching staff (PDHPE trained, and also has several years' experience, teaching Kindergarten), though now focuses on leadership in providing learning support and enrichment within the school. She is dedicated to helping students overcome their challenges with everything in her power and being.

Jessica mentors other teachers, creates individualised, tailored learning support programs, and really gets to know her students, their caregivers and their needs. She consistently researches and looks outside of the box, even introducing a Groodle dog named 'Boston' to her family, and is training him to be a School support dog in the future.

Jess is that one teacher who every parent requests, because they know she really 'knows' the kids and she is interested in how today will impact their future. She wears her heart on her sleeve, but this is one of her greatest strengths because her empathetic approach provides the parents and students with the confidence they need to let her take the reins. And when she has a moment to breathe she will happily come and help the office staff (me).

She is an absolutely amazing asset in the team at OAGS, and has a lasting impact on every student that enters her realm. Jessica would be very worthy recipient of this award.

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