Angela Argyle

Tireless and driven, this firecracker
gets it sorted.

Since watching a Landline story on saffron farming 4 years aago, Angela has been driven to make Argyle Australian Saffron world class. Initially a 2000 trial turned into a 10,000 corm project. Angela spent hours on the internet; learning about it, talking to the major farms in Australia and looking around the world.

Angela built the website, social media, a following and audience all from scratch, engaged chefs and the media, and told the story. She even wrote a cookbook to solve the common question "But how do you use it?"

When the drought hit and and 'Buy from the bush' and 'One day closer to rain' started to gain traction, Angela quickly figured out when and what to post. Then, when the opportunity came up to buy out the only other local Saffron farm of their stock, implements and importantly their top secret methods for top quality saffron, she grabbed it with both hands.

Argyle Australian Saffron has now gone on to be nominated by a top chef for the Harvey Norman delicious. Produce Awards - taking out the NSW state prize and getting a Gold in the national awards.

It's a labour-intensive crop with weeds pulled out by hand, corms planted manually, Angela doesn't just leave digging and dirty work to me, she's in it up to her elbows and being a fantastic example to her girls of what work looks like.

This unique lady has crafted a unique business and has already got her eyes on another specialised ingredient.

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