Cherie Rivas is the fresh thinking, straight shooting Women’s Health & Wellness Coach who shares her knowledge and experience in weight loss, psychology, personal training and yoga, together with her studies in nutritional medicine, epigenetics and chronobiology, to inspire and empower other women to rise into the life they love.
Through the core elements of Cherie’s ‘mind, meals and movement’ philosophy, women are guided to refocus their mind, recreate their menu and reinvigorate their body…. ultimately creating a solid foundation of health that supports success in all other aspects of life.
Cherie is a winner of a prestigious International Women’s Day Award, local Business Chamber Awards finalist, writer, activist, public speaker, and reformed ‘extreme yo-yo dieter’.
She has personally developed, and delivers a suite of individually tailored programs focused on enhancing the physical and emotional wellbeing of women…. allowing them to reclaim energy, confidence, superior physical health and the vibrant power of self-love and sovereignty.