School Holiday Activities in Winter 2023 – Central West, Orange, Oberon, Bathurst, Cowra, Forbes, Parkes and Mudgee

School Holiday Activities in Winter 2023 – Central West, Orange, Oberon, Bathurst, Cowra, Forbes, Parkes and Mudgee

The Winter School Holidays are approaching and the temperatures are dropping; so what do you do with kids to keep them engaged? Here’s 25+ ideas for what’s on around the region.

Here’s our suggestion list of what’s on and adventures to participate in during the coldest period in the Central West; Orange, Bathurst, Oberon, Bathurst, Cowra, Forbes, Mudgee and Parkes. We hope this inspires you, though this is not an extensive list.

1. For those kicking off their holidays early, on Saturday 24 June from 2pm in Lithgow, you can enjoy the Burning of the Clocks Lantern Festival for Winter Solstice all the way from Brighton – United Kingdom. Arthouse at the Pottery is hosting Burning the Clocks a fire and lantern festival, created by Same Sky has been a Brighton tradition for decades. The festival will see lantern making workshops followed by a community lantern parade along Silcock St , a fantastic fire show during which a fire sculpture will be lite, live music plays as participants pass their lanterns through the fire to let go of all that no longer serves them. For more updates stay tuned on this website link here.


2. Explore Mayfield Gardens in Oberon during the Winter festival (July 1 – 16) where the full private gardens will be open to the public. A terrific way to run the kids ragged and end up in the maze! There is a delicious paddock to plate cafe there too. Book tickets here.


3. It’s super movie watching weather – keep your eye out for films being released like ‘Cats in the Museum’ (G), ‘Elemental’ (PG), ‘The Little Mermaid’ (PG), ‘Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (PG),  ‘Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny’ (M), ‘Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3’ (M), ‘Transformers: Rise of the Beasts’ (M),  ‘The Flash’ (M) running at your local cinemas; Orange, Bathurst, Cowra, Mudgee.


4. The Bathurst Winter Festival kicks off on Saturday 1st July with key festival events that include:

  • Armada Opening Night and Bowman Dental All Schools Stage – Saturday 2 July
  • Flix & Chill thanks to Westfund – Sunday 2 & 9 July
  • McDonalds Bathurst Ice Rink
  • Kids Day – Wednesday 5 & Wednesday 12 July
  • LiveBetter Accessibility Day – Thursday 7 July
  • CSU Brew & Bite – Friday 7 July
  • Pet Day – Sunday 16 July

For more details on what’s on, click on link to: Bathurst Winter Festival here.


5. Tennis camps: Most local centres have tennis camps running; here are a few to mention;

Cowra Tennis Club: Camps will be running from 11-13th July from 9-11am. $35 per day. Bring morning tea, drinks. Tennis rackets available to borrow or to buy. Keep an eye out for updates on a day or two running in first week by phoning Helen Garratt on mob: 0407 139 164 or enquiries to or refer here.

Orange Indoor Tennis has camps running on both weeks; Wed 5th, Thurs 6th and Fri 7th July and Wed 12th, Thurs 13th and Fri 14th July. Time is 9-12pm each day. You can book your kids in for the day at a fee of $35 or $85 for the three days. 2nd child receives a $5 reduction in fees. For more details see the Facebook page here. To book, phone: 6362 9811

Note: Stay tuned for the opening date of the Children’s Winter Inflatables Playground at the Orange Indoor Tennis. Coming soon. 

Forbes Tennis Club is outdoors on the cnr Church and Bandon Streets will be running tennis camp from:

Monday 3rd July – Wednesday 5th July and Wednesday 12th July – Friday 14th July from 9-1pm and each day is a flat fee of $25 / per child (For a third child $5 discount per day). To book speak with Peter on mob: 0403 335 205

Bathurst Tennis Club is running a camp outdoors on Mon 12th July – Friday 14th July from 9-12pm (ages 4-15 years). $140 for 3-days or $50 per day. (for three or more kids, 10% discount applies). Pack morning tea and drinks. To book speak with Fran Mitton on mob: 0431 354 480 or for more details see here.

Mudgee Tennis Club – There are some camps running across both weeks; details for dates are to follow on: 0412 389 729 or via website here.


6. For the older kids (aged 12+ years) , a group of 6 friends might set you back around $35/per person to enjoy an hour’s adventure in an escape room. Missing Klues Escape rooms have three options with varying levels of difficulty. Please speak to Michael or team on ph: 02 6362 4397 or Check out here.


7. Pinot & Picasso is a lovely way to activate creativity and right brain play. There are some family friendly classes taking place over the School Holidays:-

Donut Worry Wednesday – Wednesday 5th Kid-friendly 11:00 – 12:30 pm-4pm $49
Family-Friendly Neon Nights: Ollie  – Thursday 6th & 13th July 5:30- 7:00pm $49
PO The Panda – For 7+ years on Saturday July 8th 11am-12:30pm $49
Unicorns – Saturday July 15th 11am-1pm $39
Pinot and Picasso recommends kids sessions for 7+
Parents are not required to stay but can purchase tickets if they wish to paint.
Please send kids with food and drink.

8. The Western Sydney Wanderers Player Football Clinic during the July holidays is running on Wednesday the 5th July at Jack Brabham Park, Orange.

Cost is $90 and all participants receive a full kit. (please check these details when registering)
Coaches for the day will be the WSW u20s head coach and A-League Womens Assistant Coach.
We have been told that all ODFA coaches are more than welcome on the day to take part and pick the minds of these coaches.
For participants to register, please use this link:…/orange-5th-july…/


9. The Ninja Park Forbes is a fun outing wherever you might be located across the Central West. Here’s an account from one of our Central West Mums with younger kids, read on here.


10. Gowrie NSW offers diverse and varied activities by qualified fun educators in their vacation care program across locations:-

Bathurst – Enquire here.

Orange – Enquire for Kinross venue here and East Orange venue here.

Kelso – Enquire here.


11. What’s on during the School Holidays at Central West Libraries. Orange City Library; all events need to be booked available during Library opening hours. Orange City Library is open 7 days. For more on events across Central West libraries see link here or call us on ph: 6393 8132.

For Orange program, click to view here.

For Cowra program, click to view here.

For Blayney program, click to view here.


12. Orange Regional Conservatorium has a Junior Music Morning event on Friday 7 July from 9am through till 12pm for kids aged 5-8 years. To read more and book see link here. For all other workshops over the holidays you can refer to their website online here.


13. Get curious this school holidays with Orange Regional Museum’s interactive program of family tours and creative workshops. Find out more and book via our program link here.


14. YogArt (Yoga and Art) is a workshop of healthy fun exploring yoga and art for children and young adults. There are many bennefits of Yoga including strength, co-ordination and stamina as well as learning to be quiet and still. Yoga builds resilience, confidence, focus and a feeling of being energised and grounded. These fun workshops usually run for kids aged 3-6yrs and 7-12yrs at The Yoga Room, Orange. Held on Thursday 13 July for 3-6yrs (9.00am) and a 7-12yrs (10.00am).

For more details, contact Tricia on: or 0421 363 298


15. Central West Gymnastics holiday activities will run the second week of the July school holidays. Our holiday sessions are open to members and non-members. For more information please phone: (02) 6369 1028 or to book sessions, jump onto link here.

Sessions for 5 years + running Monday 10th, Tuesday 11th, Thursday 13th and Friday 14th of July.

Rec camp 9am – 12pm – $40 3 hours of gymnastics fun. Bars, beams, trampolines and so much more! Suitable for ages 5 +

Ninja Hour 12.30pm – 1.30pm – $15 An hour of ninja warrior activities, warped wall, speed runs, obstacles, and fun. Suitable for all ages 5+

Sessions for under 5s Come and Try KinderGym Wednesday the 12th of July.

Come and try Kindergym – Wednesday the 12th 9am – 9.45am – $15

Open to children 1 – 5 years old (a caregiver must attend the session with the child).


16. The Orange Regional Art Gallery has a number of workshops running from July 3rd to July 14th; be sure to book early here.


17. Duntryleague is running some golf clinics for kids on Tuesday 4th and 11th July from 9:30-12:30pm. Cost is $55 per day. Suitable for 7 years and older. For more information phone: (02) 6362 3466 or (02) 6362 4072 or Book via website here.


18. The Totem Collective are running some FREE learn to skate workshops currently across the Central West and into the School Holidays. For the Manildra Skatepark event on Monday 3 July from 11:00am you can book via online link here. For the Wellington Skatepark event on Wednesday 12 July from 11:00am you can book via online link here. Parents and carers must fill out the online waiver form here after booking.


19. The PCYC Orange has a fun schedule of Winter School Holiday activities commencing Monday 3rd July – Friday 14 July. Age group are for kids in years K – 6. Each day is $50 or receive a 10% discount for booking everyday. For more information and to book phone: (02) 6360 2249 or see link of program here.


20. The Little Art Nook in are running some creative workshops from 3rd to the 14th July. To view all workshops please download the full program here. Creative kids vouchers expire at the end of June, use them now to book in some holiday workshops for the kids call us to arrange by phoning Nicky on mob: 0493 418 521


21. Yogalates is back! Yogalates (at Total Health Orange) is a combination of yoga, pilates and relaxation techniques and sessions run over an hour on these dates; 4th – 6th July and 11th – 13th July. $150 includes 3 sessions. For more info or to book phone: (02) 5318 1979.

Total Health Orange are also running writing warriors where they assist in developing your child’s handwriting skills in a fun and supportive environment. Each session will include writing activities and regulation strategies, fine motor and gross motor skills, strength, coordination and of course games! Age Groups: Years 1-2 and 3-4. Older age groups available on request. These will be running on dates; 4th – 6th July and 11th – 13th July. $150 includes 3 sessions. For more info or to book phone: (02) 5318 1979.


22. Welcome to Costello! Costello are running fun programs for all kids, during the school holidays we are running 4 days of fun with yoga, recycled art day, self portraits day, and to finish off a movie day. For $50 a day you can secure your spot. Contact Lucy on 0431 975 533 to book now. NDIS funding excepted.


23. To keep kids occupied with constructive activities when the Winter holidays are dreary, CodeCamp has lots of workshops which can be attended both online or directly at venues locally. Check out all their courses available to book here.


24. School Holidays at the Ophir:  Join us this July School Holidays for a range of daily activities to keep the kids entertained at The Ophir! Mini Lego Master activity table, Beading workshops, face-painting, disco and dress up nights + a very special LIVE performance by The Beanies! Visit the Facebook Event page for more information and full program schedule.

On July 8th from 10:30 – 11:30am The Beanies are LIVE at The Ophir: A very special show by The Beanies, the award winning children’s entertainment group as seen on ABC Kids!
The Beanies LIVE Show is perfect for kids who love to sing, dance and get their SILLIES OUT!
This high energy and engaging show features hit songs from The Beanies ARIA-nominated music such as “Topsy Turvy Zoo”, “Power” and “The Painting Song”. Mini Beanies can also look forward to hearing from well-loved characters from their award-winning podcast, such as Professor Know-it-all!
Children’s tickets are $20 each (includes a kids meal), adults and children <1yr old are free!
Kicking off at 10:30am, please arrive by 10am to ensure your place in the kiddie mosh pit!
Show runs 10:30am-11am with a meet & greet with Laura, Mim & Michael afterwards!
Your booking includes a table for lunch following the performance. The kitchen will be open from 11:30am, after the show finishes. Book here.

For more inspiration on family-friendly pubs, child-friendly cafes and more, please see our directory for ‘Attractions‘ and ‘Classes & Activities‘.


25. If you’re in Mudgee, plan ahead and book a lawn games package at Bizee Bodz located at 34 Byron Place, Mudgee. Game packages are $50/3day hire. Additional days are available on request for a surcharge. A $50 refundable deposit must be paid to secure booking. These are pickup only from Bizee Bodz unless hired in a larger package. For more information on all entertainment phone: (02) 6372 0330.


🎲The lawn games package consists of Quoits, Connect 4, Jenga, giant dominoes kibb, battle blocks and skittles. This package is recommended for ages 5+ and is great for kids and adults alike (think birthdays, weddings, family games night, anything!)


26. The Office of Sport – Central West and Orana has a FREE holiday break camp on at Lake Burrendong on July 3rd at 10:30am – July 5th at 1pm. The age group is 12-15 years for this camp. For more information ph: (02) 6846 7403 or to book jump onto link here.


27. Help your child become Bully-Proof in Kumiai Ryu HIgh Impact Martial Arts in Orange

Bully Buster Event: Help your child become BULLY-PROOF with our Bully Buster Event!💪
Every time we run this workshop we hear amazing things from our parents…

The Bully Buster Event teaches the foundations of confidence and self defence.
Just one class and your child will feel more empowered and well-equipped to handle whatever comes their way!
They’ll also feel more CONFIDENT in standing up for themselves and realize just how awesome they truly are… Best of all, it’s FUN, and your child will make some new friends too!
We believe that self defence can help all kids become Bully-Proof… And we’ve got an hour to prove it to you (AND a friend- sign your child up with a friend and save)!!
⏰ When: Thursday 6th July 1pm-2pm
📍 Where : Kumiai Ryu High Impact Martial Arts, 61 Lords Place, Orange
Here’s what you get:
🥊 1 hour educational and FUN Bully Buster workshop
🥊 We teach your child Bully-Proof techniques that WORK and help re-build their confidence
🥊 They’ll learn non-violent conflict resolution strategies in a fun, safe environment
🥊 Full support from our friendly, experienced staff members
🥊 Bring a friend – Additional participants only $5 each when booked at the same time
Suitable for kids from Kindergarten to Year 6
LIMITED SPOTS- Book your spot online here


Also running at Kumiai Ryu High Impact Martial Arts in Orange is a Fun-filled workshop for Teens 11 – 16yrs which focuses on kickboxing fitness, confidence-building, and learning skills useful in self-defence.

You will:
– have 1.5hrs of fun and fitness
– Learn basic self defence and boxing skills
– Make new friends
– Receive a t-shirt to take home
Cost: $25
Maximum 30 Participants
GIRLS ONLY SESSION – 12pm to 1:30pm
BOYS ONLY SESSION – 2pm to 3:30pm
Book online jump onto link here.


28. Orange Regional Art Gallery – Workshops are running from July 5 to July 14 for printed portraits and mixed media masks. To book, see link here.


29. The Orange Ex-Services Club have a fabulous line-up of kid-friendly activities from 10-13th July. From pizza making, bingo and disco fun to book quickly! For more information or to book click here on this link.


30. Take your kids on a extraordinary historical trip around Orange via our link in collaboration with the Central Western Daily’s link here to over 500 landmarks to explore (by car, by bike or on foot). Kids can WIN! Pull out the pencils and draw an extraordinary landmark by entering our Central West Mums competition for a chance to win a copy of Freya Blackwood’s book ‘The Great Rabbit Chase’. For more details on how to enter the drawing competition, read link here.


31. School Lapidary Workshops  – Workshop 1:  For Beginners (presented by: Bathurst Lapidary & Collectors Club Inc.) LAPIDARY: cutting and polishing minerals, gemstones and rock to be used for jewellery or display.

Learn the skills of cutting and polishing minerals and rocks in a 2-Day workshop; with the possibility to set polished stones – all materials and instruction provided.

Venue: CLUB ROOMS – Park Street, Eglinton (next to Tennis Courts)

Dates:        Workshop #1 Monday, 3rd & Tuesday, 4th July, 2023

Minimum Age:     8 years old

(As this Workshop is not a child-minding service, we encourage an adult to attend with any student between the ages of 8-9 years, to assist with supervision. Should there be a problem regarding unsafe behaviour of a child of any age, parents will be contacted to come and take the student home.)

Cost: $50.00  – includes Junior membership of the Club ($5) and $45 to cover most materials etc.

Times:  Start 9.00 am – Finish approx. 3.00 pm on each day.

Bring your own Lunch; Morning tea provided; Wear enclosed shoes (joggers); Water or drinks;

There are bottled water and soft drinks available at minimal cost .

Numbers limited (6 per Workshop) for safety reasons, so get your name down early!

Phone Paul Martensz on mobile: 0427 896 945  or Email ( for further information


32. Messages in the Sky – Making Sessions with Claire Healy and Sean Cordeiro.

12 – 24 year olds are invited to work with renowned contemporary artist duo Claire Healy and Sean Cordeiro to create an exciting, brand-new artwork that will be titled Wanderlust terra Firma, to be exhibited at Mudgee Arts Precinct in their upcoming exhibition Messages in the Sky. Using two light Cirrus aircraft wings and vintage imagery from National Geographic magazines, collaborate with Healy and Cordeiro on this massive collage project.


SESSION 1: Thursday 13 July 11.00AM – 4.00PM…/messages-in-the-sky…

SESSION 2: Friday 14 July 11.00AM – 4.00PM…/messages-in-the-sky…

Book in for one session or both. Lunch is included.


Mudgee Arts Precinct Cultural Workshops
2-6 Douro Street Mudgee, NSW 2850


33. Road Trips…there are plenty of fun cultural road trips like visiting the Parkes Dish and mural art in Eugowra (For more attractions of things to see and do across the Central West, more inspiration can be found here.


For more on School Holiday events popping up, you can reference our calendar of some activities here.

Arts OutWest have more art workshops and live music events listed on their What’s On calendar here too.

Amorette Zielinski

Amorette is a Mum of two boys who often keep her flying by the seat of her pants and a wife to a man who is so much fun to share life with; never dull! Friends often call her a ‘connector’ because she loves putting like minded people together curating experiences for them.

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