Central West Playgroups

Central West Playgroups Childs are playing with play clay in classroom.

Central West Playgroups. Here you’ll find recommended playgroups for your little ones all over the Central West including locations in Orange, Blayney, Canowindra, Cowra, Millthorpe and Molong.



Bush Babies playgroup was established by the Orange Aboriginal Women’s Gathering with support from Orange City Council’s support to meet a need in the community as seen by these women. The playgroups cater for pre-school aged children and provides vital social support for families.

There are 3 playgroups which are run in 3 different locations on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
For more information on locations contact: kelly.birch@olalc.com.au

Little Lizards playgroup is on every Friday from 9.30-11am. From building and stories to playdoh and dollhouses, a great morning of fun and socialisation is guaranteed!

Where: Little Lizards Preschool Building on Wentworth Lane


Pip Squeaks is a music and movement group for children aged 0-5 years and their carers. This playgroup runs on Tuesday’s from 9:30-11am.

The Pip Squeaks program includes singing, dancing, making music with instruments, meeting musicians, participating in story time, morning tea and time for adults to chat and children to play.
Where: Orange Presbyterian Church, Anson St and Matthews Ave
Ragamuffins is a new playtime program for bubs and preschoolers along with mums, dads, grandmas, grandads and carers. This quality playgroup runs every Friday from 9:30 to 11:15am.
For more information or to register please see: www.oechurch.org.au/ragamuffins
Where: Orange Evangelical Church, 2 Cottonwood Way, Orange

Barnacles– Play, sing, connect is for children aged 0-5 years and their carers. This playgroup runs on Thursday’s from 9:30-11am. For more information please ph: 6362 7729.

Where: St Barnabas Anglican Church, Orange East

TAFE – this play session is designed to support early childhood educators in their learning and is supported by trained and experienced early childhood teachers.

Mums/Carers must enrol (this is not a casual drop in group) and take families on a waitlist system. Once you have been accepted, you come every week and it is FREE to attend.  Adults also need to be double vaxxed for Covid (at this stage) as well as all staff are vaccinated.

Where: Prince Street entrance to March Street campus.

There are indoor/outdoor age appropriate play based experiences, including messy activities and a structured music/language experience for children 0-6yrs (before School age). There are no refreshments provided, so you would bring your own.

Sessions run on Thursdays from 10:00am -11:45am and 1:00pm – 2:45pm in term time only.

Contact: Nadine Ostini on nadine.ostini3@tafensw.edu.au for more information and to go on waitlist.


Wiggling Wombats group runs on runs on Fridays, 10am to 12 noon, during the school term and designed for children aged 0-5 years. It is not running during School Holidays.

Where: The Uniting Church Hall located behind the Uniting Church on Anson St. Enter through the foyer near Cafe Latte and walk straight ahead to the next set of doors.
Wiggling Wombats provides a range of activities; play kitchen, books, jigsaws, large toys for little children, car mat and cars, drawing materials, craft activities, indoor cubby house, push along bikes and many more.
Each week has a theme which is reflected in music activities, drama, story telling given by a leader.
Attending the group has NO CHARGE. It is free to all who visit.
Carers are asked to bring morning tea for their children.
However, carers will be served tea/coffee and cake provided by Uniting Church.
Wiggling Wombats is committed to be inclusive of all people, offering support and kindness to them.
They request respect and kindness for each other from those who attend and aim to model appropriate interactions with children through play.

Bilby’s Playgroup meets on Tuesdays (during School Terms) from 10am -12pm. There is a small fee of $20 per term to cover arts and crafts etc.

Where: Soldiers Memorial Hall, Church Street.



Bambini Playgroup meets Mondays during school terms from 9:30-11am.

Where: St Edwards School Hall.


Playgroup the past few weeks have been focusing on their sensory and fine motor skills.
Sensory play encourages learning through exploration, curiosity, problem solving and creativity. All whilst developing their fine motor skills, which helps a child’s self-esteem and confidence grow.
The children have loved every minute of it.
For more information on our playgroups please call Jess or Marion on 63401100.
Where: Cowra Information and Neighbourhood Centre, 15 Vaux Street.

Stepping Stones playgroup runs on Thursdays 9:30-11am.

Where: Village Church Hall in Church Street.



Cabonne Family Day Care runs a FREE community playgroup fortnightly on a Thursday from 10am to 12pm, all year round (except in January).

They provide indoor play, consisting of art, craft, books, construction, home corners, investigation and sensory play. There is also outdoor play, including bikes, sandpit, climbing equipment and more sensory play. Parents are asked to bring with them everything their child may need; water, morning tea, nappies etc as they do not supply anything other than tea, coffee and the playgroup activities.

All community members are welcome. Children must be supervised by their parent or guardian at all times during playgroup.

Where: 103 Bank Street.


Molong Baptist Church playgroup runs on Wednesdays during School terms from 10:00am – 11:30am. It is a fun, safe and friendly environment for your family to play, grow, and hear a bible story.

Gold coin donation. Bring your own coffee and all food your child requires for a morning of play!
A Covid safe place and require you to sign in with our QR Code. For more information contact here.

Where: Molong District Baptist Church hall in Thistle Street.


Amorette Zielinski

Amorette is a Mum of two boys who often keep her flying by the seat of her pants and a wife to a man who is so much fun to share life with; never dull! Friends often call her a ‘connector’ because she loves putting like minded people together curating experiences for them.

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