Love your teeth!

Love your teeth! ADA Australian dental association

Love your teeth!

Being Dental Health Week, it’s an apt time of year to ramp up the awareness around dental health and more importantly how it can contribute to your overall general health. Naturally, as a paediatric dentist, I am an advocate of the importance of oral health in our children.

Establishing healthy oral habits as early as possible to achieve optimum oral health AND maintain it for life, is pivotal. It should not be normal to expect that you will need to have some teeth removed because of tooth decay or gum disease. Parents should expect their child to keep their baby teeth until they naturally fall out and adult teeth until they reach 100 years of age.

Parents can encourage the “love your teeth” mantra by following some simple steps.

1: Ensure brushing children’s teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste

2: Clean between their teeth using floss daily

3: Ensuring our children eat a healthy, balanced diet and limit added sugar intake

4: Visiting the dentist regularly for check- ups and preventive care.

Access to dental care can and should be as enjoyable as possible for children and their families. Starting dental visits from a young age, can best ensure that we maintain our teeth for life!

Try reading the ADA’s free eBook with your children today, accessible at.

Sandra Buchler

Sandra is a mum to three young children who loves travelling, exercise and a fabulous coffee. Sandra is also a board registered Specialist Paediatric Dentist passionate about Oral Health in the newborn through to the adolescent. She has a keen interest in treating anxious children and those with special needs.

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