I spent yesterday afternoon immersing myself in the latest research for interstitial cystitis and bladder syndrome (I mean what else do you on a lock down Sunday); for me, as a bit of a nerd it was an exceptional way to wind down the weekend. When I participate in these courses I always have two reactions. The first being, I am so inspired and appreciative of the industry leaders who ensure we can provide first class treatment that is embedded in research. The second is, I always feel frustrated, and to be honest rather angry, that this information is not more widespread, and many women are unaware that women’s health physiotherapy may help them with many conditions and symptoms, such as painful bladder syndrome. So, instead of torturing my husband with all my frustrations about the lack of empowerment and support out there for women, especially when it comes to pelvic health, I decided to reach out to you.
I get it, issues of health are often hard to discuss and even more so when it is in relation to the pelvis. Topics like leakage, constipation, post-partum rehabilitation, menopause and pain ‘down there’ can feel awkward to talk about but your health professionals have been there. We have spent a lot of time training and studying and we want to help you.
Please don’t be frightened, anxious or embarrassed we have seen it all before and have many tools in our arsenal that can help. Pelvic physiotherapy is more than just invasive exams, it involves exercise, stress management, improving sleep hygiene, dietary advice and making you feel in control.
If you get anything out of this article, I hope that it is you feel empowered and supported. Please don’t tolerate symptoms because you think they are normal or it’s uncomfortable to talk about.
It’s time to put you first and stop missing out on things you love because of pelvic symptoms.