Looking after your well-being and connecting with others is even more important when there is a lot of uncertainty. Funded by the NSW Government Local Drought Stimulus, Cabonne Council is hosting well-being workshops in Cabonne, targeted at using positive psychology techniques to boost your well-being.
Join guest speaker Cynthia Mahoney on a powerful, creative, fun and interactive journey as you learn to identify personal warning signs during times of stress and develop strategies for managing yourself through tough times.
The workshops are taking place in Molong on Thursday 22 April, with two sessions being held. Details for the sessions are below:
Lunch time session
Where: Cabonne Council Chambers – 101 Bank Street Molong
When: 11am-1:30pm
Evening session
Where: Lime and Stone Café – 47 Bank Street Molong
When: 5:30pm-8pm
Enjoy the connection and support of other women, and return from your Well-being Vacation feeling focused, inspired, supported and connected, more in control, and ready to take action for change!
Light refreshments will be served at both events, so come out and take the opportunity to spend some time on you.
For more information and to reserve your seat, please check out Cabonne Council’s Facebook Page or follow this link: https://www.trybooking.com/BQFCP