A Way With Words

They say there’s a story inside us all. Children and Adult Creative Writing Workshops and Life Story Writing services can help bring your stories to life.

Creative Writing Workshops are for ages 3 to adult, and focus on hiding the learning within having fun! My aim for all ages it to ignite a passion for writing and produce AMAZING work which the writer feels pride in. Workshops are run online, and experienced at a time which suits you. Choose from Write A Book, Developing Characters, Memoir Writing, Writing for Positive Mental Health and many more – my library of writing techniques and genres is extensive. Or, choose a Workshop bespoke to your writing wishes. Available as writing workshop videos, personalised one-on-one workshops, or mentored writing courses.
Life Stories preserve important memories, bring family histories alive, or can be written to help others. A Life Story is as much or as little of the recipient’s life story as you wish to record. It is written in the recipient’s voice, (in first person), like a memoir or mini biography. It is a keepsake for the family, as well as being a gift of respect for the recipient. Available remotely in Australia and internationally.
Come along, and discover A Way With Words.